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prices listed in USD

typesketchlinedflat colorcel shadedpainted shading
half body$10$14$19$24$26
full body$13$18$22$28$36

lineless option +$15

Chibis Headshots: $8 no background || $12 with background

‣ All commissions (minus chibi) come with simple background (colored gradient or patterned)
‣ Complex backgrounds + 10% price
‣ Complex character designs + $5
‣ Additional Characters + 25%

will draw: humans, mlp characters, oc's, fanart, fantasy species (tiefling, orc, etc.), ship art (some exclusions apply)will not draw: pro/com ship, nsfw, suggestive, gore, complex mecha, realism, hatespeech / symbols

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‣ Payment can be done through Venmo, Cashapp, or Paypal‣ Full payment required upfront‣ Character references are recommended but not required as long as you have a description of your character. You may also provide pose, background, or lighting references.‣ One wip will be provided at each stage of the process (ex. sketch, lines, colors). Any requested edits will have addional wips sent for approval before moving on to next stage of artwork.Contact
‣ @t1nshark on discord, twitter, or instagram
Cancellation Policy
You can cancel your commission! If no work has been done, you will receive a full refund. If commission has been started, a 50% refund will be issued

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